I’m Marcus Bradbury a creative designer
This virtual showcase has a wide and varied collection of my graphic work created between two continents and many hours of teamwork. I have had the good fortune working for excellent clients, companies, agencies and of course with many talented people. Whether the work involves brand identity, publicity, packaging or editorial design work, success goes hand in hand with each of them. Living and working in England and Chile has been extremely challenging and rewarding. A very special thanks to all who have participated in this portfolio.
Words and images are the basic tools that graphic designers create with. In order to sell any product, whether it is food, a film, an event or an airplane, designers use those two elements in such a way as to provoke a subconscious reaction that should say “That’s interesting, I like it”. There are a myriad of factors involved in order to make it all work together and be successful, where the endgame has both the client and customer content.
Llevo más de 20 años trabajando con Marcus en el mundo de los seguros, en Compañías multinacionales, siempre entrega sus trabajos con impecabilidad, creatividad y destreza, percibiendo lo que el cliente quiere y necesita.
Roberto Leiva
Director Agencia General de Seguros SpA
He trabajado con Marcus por más de 10 años. Su trabajo ha sido de gran ayuda para la creación de nuestra imagen corporativa, desde la creación del logotipo e isotipo, hasta el desarrollo de variadas etiquetas desde vinos de gama de entrada hasta nuestros vinos iconos como QV y Laguna del Inca. Es un muy buen diseñador, con la capacidad de comprender rápidamente lo que necesita el cliente y guiarlo hacia un diseño exitoso.
Horacio Vicente
Director y Enólogo Viña San Esteban
I have known Marcus Bradbury for over 25 years. Among the many graphic services provided to me he has worked on my travel web sites and developed a new corporate brand image. He is without doubt one of the most talented graphic designers I have had the pleasure to work with.